Reflection 8/27/21

 Hello, fellow peers today was pretty okay. Today in class we learned about an argument of a essay and its components. Basically you need to make sure you have at least 3-5 evidences for your argument and at least 3-5 counterclaims. Also, make sure you have a topic sentence in the beginning. In addition, we read a mystery murder type of thing and it was about a guy murdering his friend for flirting with his wife. We had to use evidence to why we think the guy murdered his friend. The different kinds of evidence we used was the murder weapon, a receipt of a purchase that was made the same day of the killing, and text messages between the guy and his friend. I’m the end we came to the conclusion that the guy was guilty. For the most part this is what I learned in class and this is my reflection for today enjoy your weekend and see you guys at the game ✌🏽. 


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