Reflection 9/16/21

 Hello guys, today I had a descent day like usual. In first period I went over my binder check that I turned in a few days ago. Then, in second period I drove my robot and I made my initials  ''S.S.D'' with a marker that was connected to my robot. In math class, my group and I did a presentation on a trigonometric problem that we had to work out. Finally in my last class, we went over two of my classmates essays to show the class the correct and incorrect way on how to write an argumentative essay.We also wrote the steps to success which is the format of a efficient essay. Lastly, we had to write a thesis statement to a short prompt. I'm very glad that we are practicing how to write the components of a essay because it is very helpful. The duration of the class I was VERY tired and I had a bad headache, but I still managed to get through the day. After school, I rode the bus home, made a hot pocket, and completed the last bit of my homework. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.


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