Reflection 9/20/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. In first period I took notes, and I ate a Chick Fil A biscuit for breakfast. In second period I did some engineering work on the computer and we discussed the process of engineering. Then, in third period I had a math assignment and it was pretty hard because I had to insert photos of graphs that I put together by using math equations. Finally, in 4th period we analyzed two poems. The first poems’ theme was “being a nobody is better than being a somebody.” Being a nobody is different and being a somebody is being normal. The second poem was about a heart being personified as someone and the speaker trying to cope with a break up. Distractions and self care are good ways to get your mind off of breakups. So yea guys this is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽.


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