Reflection 1/20/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had an okay day. Today in first period we took notes, watched a video, and had a class discussion about the topic “Labor”. Labor is when an adult or child is doing a job or work, forcefully. In second period I took a test and failed it, which caused me to have an okay day. In third period we had to work in groups and we did an experiment with an action figure that was bungee jumping. We had to go out in the hall and use two yard sticks, one on top of the other which is equivalent 200cm and we had to put elastic rubber bands around the action figure’s feet as if it was bungee jumping from the top on the yard stick. We then wrote down the amount each time we dropped the rubber band next to the yard stick. Finally in fourth period we had to make a speech to why you shouldn’t do drugs and we had to use rhetorical devices and appeals. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.


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