
Showing posts from November, 2021

Reflection 11/30/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had an okay day. Today I didn’t come to school. I didn’t come to school because I had a headache. I hope I can complete my makeup work for homework tomorrow night or just get the chance to make it up. See you guys in class tomorrow! This is my reflection of today ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/29/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today in first period we took notes and colored a map. In second period I listened to my teacher talk about different assignment options for the final exam for his class. In third period we watched Flocabulary videos about probability. We then signed up for Flocabulary and did activities and took a quiz. We also had the option to make up our own rap about probability for extra points. Finally in fourth period we read a story as a class called Ambush by Tim O' Brien and answered 8 questions in google classroom about the story. We also and used it as a guide for the EOC next week. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/19/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video. I also took a nap because I finished my notes early. In second period we had a free period. In third period we learned more about probabilities and we did an assignment on which we will finish once we come back from the break. Finally in fourth period we played 3 rounds of kahoot and for one of the rounds I won 2nd place. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾. Enjoy your thanksgiving break!

Reflection 11/18/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video per usual. We also did book work. In second period we took an engineering test and I believe I passed. Then in third period we learned even more about probabilities. Finally in fourth period me and my group finished our ten sources and we submitted them. This is my reflection of today ttyl  ✌🏾. 

Reflection 11/17/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a boring day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video. We also answered  4 question organized by our teacher. In second period we answered this guide as a class. In third period we learned more at probabilities. Finally in fourth period we worked in our groups to determine 10 sources out of 40. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/16/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video. Then in second period I was in the gym for the whole period because my second period teacher teaches a elective pathway and was apart of the career pathway fair. In third period we did an assignment on the website near-pod about math probabilities. Finally in fourth period we went to the career pathway fair in the gym until a fight occurred causing everyone to leave the gym early. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/15/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. In first period we defined, drew, and summarized 15 terms. In second period I did a review on engineering on my computer. In third period we learned a new unit called probability. Probability is the likelihood of something happening. We did a class game where we roll a die and right down it’s likelihood of each student rolling a number. Finally in fourth period we read two paragraphs about college loans and debts to prepare us for the upcoming EOC. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/12/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period we started a new unit and did an assignment. The assignment was to define, draw and summarize 15 out of 30 terms. In second period I had a sub so I used that period as a makeup period. In third period I took a test on matrices and I believe I passed. Finally in fourth period, I completed all missing work from Mr. Rease's class. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 11/11/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today in first period I finished the essay portion of my unit test. In second period we also took an assessment on the different industrial ages and how is correlates to engineering. In third period we reviewed matrices for our test tomorrow. Finally in fourth period I finished my essay portion of my benchmark. I was supposed to get checked out today but since I had lots of tests today my appointment was rescheduled. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 11/10/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a pretty good day other than my headache. In first period we took a unit test and I think I did okay. In second period we finished task 4 of the four tasks we were assigned to do this week. Then in period three we watched a zoom meeting about extra help being provided to students if they need it. Then we played a relay race game of whoever finished an assigned math problem first. Finally in fourth period we took a benchmark and I was so close to finishing. I’m getting checked out tomorrow for a doctors appointment and hopefully I can finish my benchmark somehow, if that option is open to me. I’m currently on the bus and this is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/9/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we worked on a study guide for our test tomorrow. Then in second we did a assignment that had been broken  up into multiple tasks. Today we were supposed to complete task 3 from our assigned assignment and tomorrow we will do task 4. In third period we watched a video on Morse codes because we are learning how to decode messages by using matrixes. A matrix is basically an array composed of rows and columns. So our assignment was to put a number in each row and column and that number will represent a letter, resulting in a message. Then in fourth period we learned how to make a body paragraph by citing sources, making a claim, adding evidence, and explaining our evidence. This is my reflection for today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/8/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a a descent day. Today I worked on continuous school work and did house chores. I didn't come to school today because I had a bad headache. I still have more work to complete in addition to the work that I missed today. School is starting to become very stressful but i'm glad that the days are getting closer and closer to thanksgiving break. This is my reflection of today, see you guys tomorrow. 

Reflection 11/5/21

 Hello peers, I don't know if we are supposed to blog today but i'm going to anyways just to be on the safe side. Today for breakfast I had steak and eggs that was so delicious thanks to my mom. In addition, I stayed home to do never-ending homework and chores, wishing I could've been at the Braves parade. It's not much to blog about but today but ya never know if Mr. Rease hits you with '' you guys still should've blogged Friday'' . But this is my blog for today, tty guys on Monday. 

Reflection 9/4/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a boring day. Today was so odd and pointless, school should’ve just been cancelled. We were in first period allllll day. I took time to catch up on most of my work and I even took breaks here and there. Today also felt so extended because we were in the same class for 7 hours. For lunch I had a pretty decent lunch per usual because I bring my own lunch. I heated up my curry chicken and rice and I had a side of snacks. After lunch I got back to work till it was time to go. This is my reflection of today, and oh yea THANK YOU ATLANTA BRAVES!!!!!!!!!!!! We have no school tomorrow!! 

Reflection 11/3/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had an interesting day. Today in first period we took notes, watched a video, and did book work. A while later we were interupted by an annoucement of a torando drill. In second period I had a free period because I had a sub. In third period we continued to learn about matrixes from Tuesday which lead to us having homework, then a while after we were interupted by a lockdown announcement. Once third period was over they lifted the lockdown and we proceeded to go to fourth period. In fourth period we worked on our annotated bibliography and turned in our homework from the night before. A while after they re announced another lockdown and I believe the reason behind the lockdowns were to prevent all the school fighting that we had today. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 11/1/21

 Hello fellow peers today was a good day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video. Then in second period we had a sub so it was pretty much a free period. In third period we learned about matrixes, rows  and columns. In addition, we also used these new fancy calculators that can invert rows and columns into it. Finally, in fourth period we took a three question quiz and we popcorn read as a class. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽.