
Showing posts from January, 2022

Reflection: 1/31/22

 Hello peers today was a crazy day. Today in first period we started a new unit so we did ''define terms''. In second period we also started a new unit so we all took notes. Then in third period I took a test and i'm praying that I passed it. Right when I was transitioning from third period to fourth period there was a massive fight. I was so in shock and could't believe my eyes. Finally in fourth period we worked in the rhetorical device book and did exercises from out the book. A little while after we all hear ruckus coming from the hallway and we were all intrigued and wanted to know what was going on. ''Well what was going on ?'' you may ask... another fight. A fight in which parents were involved and all of the fights put together causing us to be on lock down. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection: 1/28/22

 Today we listen to ''Closed on Sunday'' by Kanye West and analyzed his song. This is the SPACECAT paper on what we did. 

Reflection 1/27/22

 Hello fellow peers today was a great day. Today in first period I took the first half of my unit 6 AP history test. Then in second period we played a kahoot and quizziz to help us study for our Unit 1 AP environmental test tomorrow. In third period we reviewed Unit 2 and played a quizziz to help us study for our Unit 2 test on Monday. Finally in fourth period we had a 11th grade junior meeting which took up the whole period in regards to attendance, dues, and behavior. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 1/26/22

This is what we worked on today.

Reflection 1/25/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we watched a video and discussed what we learned in the unit. In second period I finished a gizmo and did work from my other classes. Then in third period we did a warm-up and did a desmos. Finally in fourth period we read a letter in which a mother wrote to her son and we found its rhetorical strategies. It took forever but we managed to get through it. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 1/24/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video like usual. In second period we did a math warmup for “Math Monday”in my AP Environmental class and then we worked on a gizmo. In third period we did an SEL, warmup, then finished an assignment that we started last week. Finally in fourth period we had a free period because Mr. Rease wasn’t here. I talked quietly among friends and caught up on missing work from my other classes. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 1/21/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we took a quiz and I think I passed it because it was fairly easy. After the quiz we then took boring notes. In second period we learned about the hydrologic cycle, the phosphourous cycle, and their components. Then in third period we learned more about correlation relation on a graph. Finally in fourth period we watched different movie clips and determined there rhetorical devices. This is my reflection of today ttyl.

Reflection 1/20/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had an okay day. Today in first period we took notes, watched a video, and had a class discussion about the topic “Labor”. Labor is when an adult or child is doing a job or work, forcefully. In second period I took a test and failed it, which caused me to have an okay day. In third period we had to work in groups and we did an experiment with an action figure that was bungee jumping. We had to go out in the hall and use two yard sticks, one on top of the other which is equivalent 200cm and we had to put elastic rubber bands around the action figure’s feet as if it was bungee jumping from the top on the yard stick. We then wrote down the amount each time we dropped the rubber band next to the yard stick. Finally in fourth period we had to make a speech to why you shouldn’t do drugs and we had to use rhetorical devices and appeals. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 1/19/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period we took notes and watched a video. In second period we did a gizmo and answered an exploration guide as we did the gizmo. Then in third period we took a test on unit 1. I feel like I didn’t do too great because that unit was a confusing unit to me no matter how many times I stayed for tutorial, asked questions, and studied. Finally in fourth period we had a fire drill and annotated a poem by Tupac called Resist the Temptation. After that we watched the music video and went home. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 1/18/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. In first period we played a game to learn about the lesson ''urbanization'' and we had to draw whatever the teacher said on a piece of paper in a timely manner. In second period we took notes about aquatic biomes and marine biomes. In third period we reviewed over our test for tomorrow. Finally in fourth period we learned two new rhetorical devices which were analogy and metaphor. We made examples and took notes about the new words. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 1/14/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes and watch the video. Then in second period I took a science test and did a graphic organizer. In third period I took notes and we did an assignment on quizzies. Finally a fourth period we took a test on the rhetorical devices that we learned throughout the week. I’m happy that I passed my test and I’m happy that we have a three day weekend. This is my reflection of today ttyl.

Reflection 1/13/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes and watched a video. In second period I worked in a group and we made a poster in regarding to resource partitioning with birds in Galapagos. In third period we did a desmos and we had to match historigrams and box plots together. Finally in fourth period, for the warm up we wrote a rhetorical analysis thesis statement. After that we got in groups and we had a prompt and had to choose 3 rhetorical devices and make a thesis statement. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 1/12/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today we stayed in first period for 2 hours because the underclassmen was MAP testing. In second period we learned about food chains, predators, and prey. We then went into the hallway to represent a food web and we each had yarn which represented a predator or prey to show how the food chain works. Then in third period we worked on khan academy. Finally in fourth period we listened to Martin Luther King Jr's poem and analysed it with rhetorical devices. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 1/11/22

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a great day. Today I was in homeroom and I took the code of conduct test. Next I went to first block and I took notes, watched a video, defined terms, and for homework I have to do a graphic organizer which was also class work. In second period I took a pretest, and it had 80 questions. Then in third period I worked on Nearpod and Khan academy. Finally in fourth period we learned new rhetorical devices and we did activity based questions on each device. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 1/10/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. This morning  we were in homeroom for a while, delaying our first period. Today in my first period AP History class we took notes and did an assignment where we have to define about 40 terms and put a picture and summary with it. In my second period which is my new class, AP Environmental Science, the teacher went over her class rules and went over lab safety. In my third period AP Statics class we learned about box plots, dot plots, historigrams, and worked on Desmos. Finally in fourth period we learned about new as well as known rhetorical devices. We learned about hyperboles, understatements, litotes, antithesis, and hypophora. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.