
Showing posts from August, 2021

Reflection 8/31/21

 We worked on analyzing a prompt

Reflection: 8/30/21

 Hello peers, today was a descent day. In class we learned about claims and I understood it for the most part. The 3 claims are claims of fact, claims of purpose and claims of policy. We discussed the 3 claims and we worked a little on the topics. This is basically what we did in class. I then waited for my bus which was the LAST bus and it started raining. But another bus eventually came to take me and the other students home. This is a reflection of my day ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection 8/27/21

 Hello, fellow peers today was pretty okay. Today in class we learned about an argument of a essay and its components. Basically you need to make sure you have at least 3-5 evidences for your argument and at least 3-5 counterclaims. Also, make sure you have a topic sentence in the beginning. In addition, we read a mystery murder type of thing and it was about a guy murdering his friend for flirting with his wife. We had to use evidence to why we think the guy murdered his friend. The different kinds of evidence we used was the murder weapon, a receipt of a purchase that was made the same day of the killing, and text messages between the guy and his friend. I’m the end we came to the conclusion that the guy was guilty. For the most part this is what I learned in class and this is my reflection for today enjoy your weekend and see you guys at the game ✌🏽. 

Reflection 8/26/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day, per usual. Firstly in class we listened to 3 students go over their homework about rhetoric of a speech that had a crisis. I wasn't in class yesterday so I didn't really know how to fully do the homework but I still attempted in replace of a zero. In addition, we learned about rhetoric of place. This simply means the rhetoric of a place. We then had to do an example of rhetoric of place as a class which was a hospital. We then had to find its purpose, the place, and what it symbolizes. Lastly, in class we had to do an exit ticket which was to give 3 places of rhetoric and we also had to find their purpose, the places and what they symbolize as well. This is a reflection of my day, ttyl.

Reflection: 8/25/21

 Today was descent for me. I was absent on today and I plan on making up my work tomorrow. I hope you guys had a great day and a descent work load today. Catch me up on missed work my fellow peers and Mr. Rease, lol. Ttyl and see you guys in class tomorrow ✌🏽.

Reflection 8/24/21

 Today was descent, I learned about argument and it’s 3 elements. An argument is an opinion supported by evidence. It’s 3 elements are Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.  I somewhat understood the lesson but I think I need more practice between the 3 elements. Other than that we also took a rhetorical situation pop quiz and I scored an 100. In addition, we also had an fire drill. But this is my reflection for today ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 8/23/21

 Hello fellow peers, today in class was descent. In class we learned the different components of a text and rhetorical situation. The components are exigence, speaker, context, purpose, text, message, audience, and genre. A rhetorical situation will always be given to you in the beginning or in the prompts introduction.We also watched a video of our mayor Keisha Lance Bottom talk about the violence and the riots in Atlanta dealing with George Floyd’s death. Her purpose was that she wanted black people to go home and stop destroying the Atlanta city.This is my reflection of today.. ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection: 8/20/21

 Today in class we watched two groups perform for their poem presentations. A theme overall from one group was to not let your dream die. We also received our chromebooks today. We were asked from Mr. Rease who is a person that has the career that we look forward to having. I want to be a real-estate agent. A person who is a real estate agent is Joe Cox. Also to mention both of my parents were in the real estate agent field years back. I look forward to this dream because I love properties and houses and I feel like the career of a real estate agent would best fit me. I will try my best to not let my dream go nor let it die. This is my reflection of the day guys, ttyl ✌🏽 .

Reflection 8-19-21

 Today was descent for me. I was absent on today and I plan on making up my work tomorrow. I hope you guys had a great day and a descent work load today. Catch me up on missed work my fellow peers and Mr. Rease, lol. Ttyl and see you guys in class tomorrow ✌🏽.

Reflection 8/18/21

 Today in class we worked in groups. While in groups, we read a poem and analyzed it in different categories. My part in the group was to write a summary.  The poem was called Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. The theme of the story was when times get hard keep pushing yourself. The mother in the poem was motivating her son to keep “climbing” through the struggles. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection: 8/17/21

 Today in class we read a poem by Langston Hughes called I, too. My dream is to become a successful real-estate agent. I will achieve it by taking all classes necessary in college and even extra after school classes. I also want to be financially successful in that career. I can avoid deferring my dream by keeping myself motivated and to continue looking forward to the pros of my dream. 

Reflection: 8/16/21

 Hello my fellow peers, today was decent. In class we read a poem by Langston Hughes called “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. We annotated it and we found the theme of the story. I was reading the story with my head down so Mr.Rease decided to give me an extra assignment, thinking I was sleep. Us as a class found more than one theme and morals of the “ negro” culture. This is my reflection of today. Ttyl

Reflection: 8-13-21

 Today was a good day. In class we took a vocabulary test and I feel like I actually passed it. Then we took a pre test and I didn't fully finish it. Mr.Rease's class actually went by fast today. There's not really much else to say because we didn't really have a lesson. But yea, today was cool and this is my reflection for today. Ttyl

Reflection 8/12/21

Hello fellow peers, today I had a so-so day. The power went out and someone decided to spray a bad-smelling chemical in the hallway. Today in Mr. Rease's class I learned about formal and informal text. We also read a passage called ''The House''. The story was interesting because at the end of the passage we as a class came up with different predictions and assumptions of the story. One prediction about the story was, ''The house may get robbed''. This was an assumption because of all the luxurious things inside the house, the fancy appearance and the nice property of  the house. In addition, another prediction was maybe '' what if someone wanted to buy or rent the house?'' This was also an assumption because of all the luxurious things inside the house, the fancy appearance and the nice property of  the house. Furthermore, we learned the differences between formal and informal text. A formal text is when you are serious, not using 1s

Reflection: 8/11/21

 Hello guys, I had a descent day today and it wasn’t that bad. Today in class I learned how to comprehend a complex text. It was challenging because some words I didn’t comprehend. I don’t know how I’ll be able to use a dictionary on the AP or SAT exam when I don’t know the definition of a word and context clues aren’t as helpful in the text. I hope we have more practice in class and there’s other strategies to comprehending a complex text. In addition, we also combined the process of elimination in today’s lesson which is preparing us for the multiple choice section on standardized or regular tests. But overall today was okay. Mr.Rease does have a “reader’s” voice which did make me a little tired as if he was telling a story the whole class period, no offence lol . But that’s a wrap for today, ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection: 8-10-21

 My reflection about today is learning the process of elimination. What this means is that it’s a strategy used for multiple choice questions to determine the best answer. Not all 4 answer choices will be accurate. There will always be 2 incorrect answer choices. Also there will be one somewhat correct answer. And finally there’s the correct answer. I thought this strategy was helpful even though I already knew what it was and how it’s used…ttyl✌🏽

Intoduction 8-9-21

 My name is Sharae’van Dore. I’m antisocial and independent. I like to sleep and my favorite food is pasta. My goals for this class is to pass this class with an A. In addition, I want to learn new writing strategies. My expectations for this school year is to gain the smarts and information that I need to pass the AP exam. Also, I want to learn other reading strategies and techniques that can boost my knowledge…I was absent yesterday so I’m doing this today, ttyl ✌🏽