
Showing posts from October, 2021

Reflection 10/29/21

 Hello fellow peers today was a good day. Today in first period we took notes and did a class quiz. In second period my class watched a movie with our substitute teacher because our actual teacher was out. Then in third period we worked on a new project in which basically you have to make a item or character by using a graph. Finally in fourth period, we presented our different roles of our reading, from the book Wild. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽. 

Reflection 10/28/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. I have no homework due soon so I’m actually pretty excited. Today in Mr. Rease class we did and assignment where we had to read a chapter from the book Wild. He separated the class into two sections and those two sections had certain pages to read from the chapter. Everyone also had an individual assignment to do, where basically you were assigned a role to do as we were reading the book. My role was the connector, so I had to connect parts from the chapter to my life. I completed my assignment in class and I’m ready to present tomorrow. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/27/21


Reflection 10/26/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes, watched a video, and did an assignment of the different Supreme Court cases. Then in second period we took more Cornell notes. In third period we played a game called “trasketball” and basically we did math problems that will help us on our math test Thursday and if we get the answers correct we would shoot the prop basketball into the empty trash can. It was a very fun game and was very helpful for me. Then finally in fourth period we worked a little on our homework assignment until I was checked out for a doctors appointment. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection 10/25/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period we watched a video, took notes, and worked on our binder check. In second period, we took Cornell notes and my teacher handed me my finished 3D phone case. My phone case was too small so later on in time he’ll correct it’s size. Then in third period we reviewed for our math test that we have coming up later on in the week. We did a quizziz in pairs and for some reason I was still confused with some of the work we were doing. The math was really hard but she mentioned we’ll continue to review tomorrow. Finally in fourth period we went over our homework from the weekend. We answered each question from our homework assignment as a class and re-skimmed through the chapter that the homework assignment was from. After that he went over tonight’s homework and we went home. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/22/21

Today we read a informational text called “A Mega- Transect of California Along the PCT”. It was about an author and his wife hiking the PCT and he mentions a few things his misses from their hike. In the informational text they are also doing research and using data from their hike. 

Reflection 10/21/21

Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period we took notes then we had to write and informative paragraph. In second period we took Cornell notes then minutes later we went to take our school picture. Then in third period we did a warmup then we did a gizmo. Finally in fourth period we worked on our sources for our prompt. This is my reflection for today ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/20/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period we took notes and you won't believe what else we did.. a fun assignment. The assignment was an American invention morse code fill in the blank. Basically we matched up dots and dashes which were represented as symbols and each dot(s) or dash correlates to a letter which in the end, results in a word. I'm so shocked because I thought today was going to be a boring first period per usual of taking notes. In second period I finally finished my digital phone case and my teacher 3D printed it out for me. It takes 3 hours for my phone case to print so tomorrow I will see the final results. In third period I worked in a group of three and we did a fun little assignment with fettuccine noodles and it correlated back to our original precalculus lesson. Finally, in fourth period we went over some critical thinking questions that students came up with from chapter 2 of our class book ''Wild"'. We then answe

Reflection 10/19/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a descent day per usual. In first period I took notes and watched a history video. In second period I continued to work on my digital phone case which is really challenging. We also had a lock down today but that didn’t really interfere with our learning instruction. Then I went to third period to do a warmup then I was on my way to lunch. Shortly after I got checked out for an appointment. This is my reflection of today ttyl, ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/18/21

Hello fellow peers today I had a tiring day. My work load was the same as any other day but today I feel more tired than usual. In first period we took notes and watched a video. In second period we worked on digital phone cases and we will 3d print them sometime this week. In third period we learned about ellipses of circles. Finally in fourth period we took a book quiz. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/15/17

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today I was absent because I overslept. Today I had lots of chores and was very tired. I ate breakfast then folded some clothes. After that I fell asleep. Once I woke up I realized the amount of chores I had left. I quickly got to work so I can be finished. On Monday hopefully I can make up the work you guys did in class today. This is my reflection for today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/14/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. In first period we took notes and did an assignment where we had to answer 10 questions from out of the textbook. Then in second period we started making a phone case digitally on the computer. Then in third period we worked in pairs of two and did an assignment where we had to draw a circle then draw another shape inside of it making sure their measurements were correct. Finally in fourth period I read more this book called “Wild” since I’m exempt from the bench mark. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 10/13/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a overwhelming day. Today I took the PSAT and I've been praying all day that I did well. The test was long and short at the same time. What I mean by that is that the test had a lot of questions but my time went by very quickly. After I took the test I went to lunch. My lunched was delayed because of the testing schedule. In Mr.Rease's class I read some of chapter 1 of a book called ''Wild''. The book was very interesting so far and I look forward to finishing it. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 10/12/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today I was absent in class. I was absent because I was at the airport coming back to Atlanta. Today I cleaned up, unpacked, and prepared for tomorrow. Tomorrow I take the PSAT and I’m praying that I do well on it. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection: 10/6/21

 Hello fellow peers, today was good day. Today is the last day until fall break and I am super excited. Today in Mr. Rease's class I did a make up for blogs. I had to pick 6 prompts and explain them. They were pretty easy because most of the prompts asked me to explain a memory or something that happened in the past. I do hope all my make up blogs are good enough to go into the grade book. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Write about something that was too small or big

 Something that was to small or big were a pair of my shoes. The shoes that I was wearing on a random school day were too big. My shoes were too big because they would crease when I walk. I couldn't return the shoes because I got them as a gift and the person that gave me the shoes lost the receipt. I still have the shoes because they are really nice but I haven't wore them in a while, hoping that my feet grows one day.

Write about something you have to much of

Something I have to much of are shoes. I do want want more shoes because i'm in love with shoes. I have to much shoes because there is no more space in my closet to put my extra shoes. So, i'll hang shoe boxes on my walls for a style of fashion also because I have no more space in my closet. I will be soon ordering a shoe rack soon so hopefully that helps. 

Write about what you used to know how to do

 I used to know how to play the drums and xylophone. I used to be a percussionist in the 6th grade and playing the xylophone was required as well. Playing the drums and xylophone was fairly easy but there were little beats you had to look out for so the sound can come out perfect. I no longer know how to play the drums and xylophone as good as I used to in the 6th grade because its been a long time since I've I played. If I play the drums now the beats to the song wouldn't come out right. Also I forgot how I would hold the drumsticks so I can get a good grip on how to play. In addition to playing the xylophone, I did forgot the notes and keys. Being a percussionist was something I used to know how to do.

Write about a secret being revealed

 A secret being revealed was when my auntie found out the gender of her baby the night before her gender reveal party. My mom, other family, and I was planning for my auntie's gender reveal at my house. Keep in mind my auntie did live with me at the time so there was literally no where else that she could possibly go while we were setting up. It was last minute so that's why she had no where else to go while we set up. So my job was the most important job, which was putting rather pink or blue confetti/ glitter into a black balloon. I was in my room with a vacuum that pushes out air and glitter, and you can already imagine how that went when you hear the two combined. So I was trying to put the glitter in the balloon along with trying to put air in the balloon, next thing you know the balloon pops and the glitter goes everywhere. So my auntie decides to walk in my room, mind you I did have the door closed so she couldn't see and I did lock the door to avoid her from coming

Write about having no fun at all

 A time where I had no fun was when my cousin invited me to go to her birthday dinner. I had no fun because she was filled with her friends and I was just there. I listened to my cousin talk with her friends and all I did was eat. Keep in mind we were at a restaurant so all I could possibly do was eat until it was time to leave. My experience was very boring and i'm glad that the dinner went by quickly so I could go home. 

Write about something you can't deny

 Something that I can't deny is being a safety patrol in 4th and 5th grade. I cannot deny this because in my final years of elementary school my teacher assigned my a neon yellow belt so that I can look over others and be helpful. My job was to walk the pre-k and kindergarteners to their bus when school was out and make sure they got on their bus safely. I also would monitor the halls and make sure students got to their class on time. Being a safety patrol is something that I can't deny.

Reflection 10/5/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a good day. Today in Mr.Rease’s class we discussed the topic hiking. We discussed the topic hiking because we are going to be reading a book called Wild and it’s theme is hiking. In class we talked about important items you should take while your hiking and animals that you may encounter. We also talked about the different time periods of hiking which are a thru-hike, backpacking and a day hike. This is my reflection of today ttyl.

Reflection 10/4/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a good day. Today I was absent, so I guess that's what made my day. I didn't come to school today because I didn't feel energized along with a dentist appointment. Today I slept a little longer than usual then eventually got up to clean the house. I do plan on coming to school tomorrow. This is my reflection for today, ttyl.

Reflection 10/1/21

 Hello fellow peers today was a good day. Today was “wear all blue” day. In my first through third period I took a test. I feel like I passed my first and second period test. However, I don’t think I did to well on my second period test. In 4th period we did group work and we had to work with big posters. Each group has to maneuver and write something they know and want to know about each group’s  topic. I’m going to the saints homecoming game tonight, woot woot, see ya there, ttyl.