
Showing posts from February, 2022

Reflection 2/28/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we started a new unit and did “define terms” and took notes. Then in second period we took a vocabulary quiz and I scored an 100. In third period we finished working on a packet and put the numbers on the packet in a “inspire” calculator. Finally in fourth period we sat in boredom in another teachers room. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 2/25/22

 Hello fellow peers, today was so stressful! Today I took a test in every single class except for one because I did a kahoot. In first period, I took the final half of my history test and I know for sure that I passed it. Then in second period we played a kahoot to help study for a test that’s on Monday. In third period I took the world’s hardest math test and I’m pretty sure I bummed the test even though I studied. Finally in fourth period I had to make up my test and the time sure did move fast! I really wish we would have a longer time period for writing essays because not everyone thinks as quickly and can brainstorm fast. This is my reflection of today, have a great weekend ✌🏾 . 

Reflection 2/24/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a stressful day. Today in first period I took the first portion of my history test and believe that I passed it. In second period I had a very hard and stressful assignment to complete that was to due today. The teacher gave us a long activity on yesterday and made it due today. Then in 3rd period we did a quizzizz to help us study for the math test tomorrow. Finally in fourth period we answered 20 discuss questions from the book ''Fences'', that turned out to be our test. This is my reflection of today ttyl. 

Reflection 2/23/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in Mr. Rease’s class we reread a exercpt about education in the United States that we read yesterday. Today we looked at questions based on the text we read. We did process of elimination to determine which was the best answer. 3 questions would be totally incorrect while the other 2 questions would be somewhat correct or definitely correct. We worked on about 5 different questions and it wasn’t hard until I came down to the somewhat correct answer and the correct answer. I managed to get through it and this is my reflection of today. Ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 2/22/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. I also had and have a lot of making up to do. I did get some of my makeup work however I do need to make up tests and assessments that I missed. I’ve been absent for a week so I know I missed a lot. In Mr. Rease’s class we described the main characters in the movie Fences on colored strips of paper. We all shared our answers with the class and we decided which three answer choices were not the correct answers, the somewhat correct answer, and the definite answer. Finally, we read an excerpt from a book about the education in the U.S and wrote an one sentence summary about what we read. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/17/22

   Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today I was absent from school and will be back in school on the next scheduled school day. I’m absent because of a family attendance. Today is day 6 of me missing school. I’m current out of town attending with my family. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/16/22

   Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today I was absent from school and will continue to be for a few days. I’m absent because of a family attendance. Today is day 5 of me missing school. I’m current out of town attending with my family. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/15/22

  Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today I was absent from school and will continue to be for a few days. I’m absent because of a family attendance. Today is day 4 of me missing school. I’m current out of town attending with my family. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/14/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today I was absent from school and will continue to be for a few days. I’m absent because of a family attendance. Today is day 3 of me missing school. I’m current out of town attending with my family. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/11/22

Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today I was absent from school and will continue to be for a few days. I’m absent because of a family attendance. Today is day 2 of me missing school. I’m current out of town attending with my family. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/10/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today I was absent from school and will continue to be for a few days. I’m absent because of a family attendance. I had to wake up early to catch a flight. I’m current out of town attending with my family. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏾. 

Reflection 2/9/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period we took notes, watched a video, had a discussion about the Great Depression, and had a discussion about Joe Biden and him administering his new crack pipe grant program. In second period, I took a vocabulary quiz and I scored an 89. Then in third period we did an experiment in which we had to flip a coin 20 time and find it’s probability. Finally in fourth period we watched a bunch of commercials about Mac vs PC. We did this to see the differences between Mac and PC and why the audience would normally choose a Mac computer. After that we got into groups and Mr. Rease gave us a topic and we had to find two subjects that compete against each other. My group had the topic of “cars” so we picked Honda vs Toyota. In class tomorrow we will be presenting a commercial similar to the Mac vs PC commercial. I will be absent for a few days so I’ll see you guys next week. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 2/8/22

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes, finished defined terms, and watched a video. Then, in second period we played a kahoot to help review for a vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Then in third period we did a bell ringer, played a quick quizziz to help review for a quiz, then shortly after took a quiz. Finally in fourth period we read essays and determined if they deserved a score between 0-9. One essay wasn't so good and another essay was average. Reviewing these essays helped me to better understand what to strive for on the AP exam. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 2/7/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes, watched a video, and defined 35 terms. Then in second period I took notes and reviewed for my vocabulary quiz tomorrow. In third period we played a kahoot about samples and bias in math. Finally in fourth period we read an analogy including Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan. We then analyzed the prompt and took notes on how to write the introduction and body paragraph in a essay. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 2/4/22

Today we analyzed the poem “Dear Basketball” by Kobe Bryant and we analyzed the rhetorical strategies that he used to convey his love for basketball. 

Reflection 2/3/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes per usual and watched a video about the kinds of guns they used in World War l, also referred to as the great war. Then in second period, we worked in groups picking rather if we think there should be fracking or if there shouldn't be fracking in our ecosystem. Once we picked whether we think there should be fracking or not, we were asked to make a poster about what fracking is and its benefits and disadvantages to the environment. Once I got to third period, I asked if I could go get an SAT waiver and then returned back to class. Once I got back to class we were finishing up a yellow sheet in which we started yesterday and we discussed our taste test activity that we will be doing tomorrow. Finally in fourth period we reread Maya Angelou's pledge and worked on a Rhetorical analysis graphic organizer. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 2/2/22

 Hello fellow peers today was a great day. In first period I took notes and watched a video. Then in second period we took notes and had a class discussion about ecosystems and an upcoming project. In third period we watched a video and then worked in a group to complete an assignment that is now homework. Finally in fourth period we had a bell ringer and a paper to read for black history month by Maya Angelou. Our bell ringer was about what we think Black future moth would be like, which led to a big class discussion between black history month, black culture, and the black lives matter movement along with what's racist and prejudice. Right once the discussion was getting good and Mr. Rease decided to shut it all down so we could read Maya Angelou's speech. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 2/1/22

 Hello fellow peers today was a good day. Today in first period I did nothing but the warmup because the work we did in class today I already completed yesterday. Then in second period I did a 33 question review of all of unit 1. It was basically another unnecessary test, that I don’t understand that could’ve just have been our original unit 1 test. Then in third period we learned about different mathematical samples. Finally in fourth period which was basically a free period because Mr. Rease was out, I played cards with friends. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.