
Showing posts from March, 2022

Reflection 3/31/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. In first period I finished my work for that class and we stayed in there until 11:16 because of a chromebook check. So, in third period I worked in a group to do an assignment but I didn’t finish so I stayed after school to finish. Then in 4th period we took an essay test and I think I did good if not then descent. This is my reflection of today ttyl✌🏾. 

Reflection 3/30/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes, watched a video, and had a free period from there since I completed all my work from that period. In second period I had a great period as well because we have a project and my teacher is allowing us to work all class period on it. Since I’ve done all my research all I need to do is put all my research on to a poster board at home, so I sat quietly in class until the bell rung. In third period we did a bell ringer, took slight notes, and worked in a group to complete a math assignment. Finally in fourth period we read a prompt, analyzed it, and wrote a claim and thesis statement to help us prepare for tomorrows test. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/29/22


Reflection 3/28/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we started a new unit, so we took new sets of notes, answered questions, and did ''define terms''. In second period we did progress checks for the unit and then we talked about a project in which my teacher assigned us. Then in third period we took a unit test. The test was very challenging but I believe I got most answers correct. Finally in fourth period we watched multiple comedy videos to help us figure out which side we would pick on the prompt '' Should comedians serve as a vital function in society?'' We picked our claim and then found supporting evidence from a news article. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection: 3/25/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a tiring day. Today in first period I finished the second part of my history test which was to write an essay. In second period we had a sub so I checked google classroom for any missing assignments then took a nap. Then in third period we worked on a pretest packet as groups in which its supposed to prepare us for our actual unit test on Monday. Finally in fourth period we took a test and it had 15 questions. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/24/22

Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today we talked about unpopular options. Some unpopular opinions were very relatable. For example, “ you don’t have to go to college to be successful”. I agree because you don’t need a degree to live in a mansion. Another topic was “Women can’t do what men can do” and I disagree with that. The only thing that men can do that women can’t is make reproductive materials. Women can play any sport that a man can play, change a tire, etc. Just because a man can play the sport better than a women doesn’t mean a woman can’t do it. We had more unpopular opinions but this is my reflection for today, ttyl. 

Reflection 3/23/22

We did an unpopular opinion assignment in class today. 

Reflection: 3/22/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took the last set of notes and then began my folder check on google drive. In second period we looked at a power point, then took a vocabulary test. I scored an 100 on the vocabulary test and I was very happy until I saw it move my grade by 0.01% on infinite campus. Then in third period I worked in a group to complete a math statistic question. Finally in fourth period we had a prompt on individuality and nationality. We had to make three claims in which some of us told to the class. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/21/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes and watched a video. In second period I did a bell ringer and took notes. Then in third period I did a bell ringer, answered questions in class, and did an assignment that we did as a class. Finally in fourth period we read a chapter from the book ''Thank you for Arguing''. We had to read a chapter, summarize it, do a 5 point summary, and how we use it in our everyday lives. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection: 3/18/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes and watched a video. In second period my teacher wasn't here so the sub teacher took us to the gym. When I went to the gym, Cedar Grove Middle school was taking a field trip to CGHS to see all the sports they may be interested in addition to classes and clubs. Then in third period we did an experiment with paper airplanes where we had to go out in the hall and record how far our airplanes flew and on Monday we will transfer our information on a informative math paper. Finally in fourth period we took notes on Inductive vs Deductive. We then had 20 statements and had to determine if they were Inductive vs Deductive. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 3/17/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period I took notes and watvhed a video. Then in second period we did a lab. The lab consisted of soil, white sand, and black sand. We had to put thermometers inside of each different mineral particle then we but them under a lamp and recorded the temperature after every 30 seconds. In third period we made paper airplanes for an experiment that we are doing tomorrow. Finally in fourth period we read out of the book '' Thank you for Aruging'' and took notes. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 3/16/22

Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. In first period I took notes, watched videos, and answered questions. Then in second period I made up work that the teacher left for me from my absence yesterday. The teacher wasn't here today so after I did the work she left I sat in boredom. Then in third period I worked in a group to answer math questions. Finally in fourth period we took notes on arguments. The three choices are blame, value, and choices. This is my reflection of today ttyl. 

Reflection 3/15/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. I missed the bus so I was unable to come to school today. I stayed home to complete missing assignments. I didn’t do much today. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/14/22

Hello fellow peers today I had a great day even though fourth period was very hectic and debatable when it came to certain topics. What I learned from the topic “Tiktok” was that it’s mostly targeted towards younger children. As we had a big debate… tiktok was originally musically and children were mainly on that app. Tiktok can trigger those who are going though depression or that is suicidal. Tiktok also is an app that promotes dancing, challenges trends for all ages. However some trends may be more dangerous than others but there are still some positive outlooks about the app. Tiktok also can be dangerous when their are predators trying to target younger children. This is what I learned from the group who had the presentation about “Tiktok”.

Reflection 3/11/22

 Today in first period I took notes and watched a video. In second period we worked in our notebook to finish a lab that we started. In third period we played a quizziz, took notes, and worked on some assignment in a group in which we had to solve an equation. Finally in fourth period we listened and watched a few groups present their presentation. A group that really stood out was the topic “Buckhead”. They stood out because the mayor I think idk what the exact position of the person was but, he/she is trying to make Buckhead it’s own city departing from Atlanta. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/10/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes and watched a video. I finished early so I took a nap until the bell rung. Then in second period we finished working on the soil experiment lab in which we started yesterday. In third period we presented our math work to the class as examples of what to do on our quiz. After each group presented a math problem we then took the quiz. Finally in fourth period we listened and watched to groups present their current events to the class. The two currents events was the invasion on Ukraine caused by Russia and Buckhead becoming its on city. This is my reflection on of today, ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/9/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period I took notes and watched a video. Then in second period we did a lab. In the lab we had to wear googles and then work in a group to test soil. About a week ago students brought in soil from their backyard and we took all minerals and rocks out so the soil could be only dirt. We then put distilled water in the tube with the soil and slowly watch the different layers of the soil turn into sand and then into clay. In third period we played a kahoot and then answered a question in a group on a small piece of paper. Finally in fourth period we continued to work on our current events project. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 3/8/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. In first period I did define terms, took notes, watched a video, and since we were working on an assignment in groups yesterday we presented that information to the class. Then in second period I did a progress check. In third period we took notes and worked in groups to answer questions. Finally in fourth period we worked in groups to find information on current events. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 3/7/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period we worked in groups and each group had a civil right leader in which we had to do research on. Then in second period I took a vocabulary test and scored a 87. In third period we did a warm up, took mid notes, then worked on khan academy. Finally in fourth period we listened to the rest of the groups present their claims and discussions. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/4/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in first period I took notes and watched a video about a man named Ike. Then in second period I literally did the same thing, lol. We took very long notes which were about 55 vocabulary words and then watched a video about how hawaii is an island and about volcano eruptions. In third period I worked in a group and we had to answer questions on a paper that had different scenarios on it. Finally in fourth period we had to make an argument rather supporting, refuting, or qualifying a claim that we randomly picked from Mr. Rease’s hand. It was very interesting hearing each other’s responses and that most people supported each other’s claim than refuting. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.

Reflection 3/3/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. I missed the bus this morning so unfortunately I was unable to come to school today. I didn't really do much today. I cleaned the house and did all my missing assignments that I needed to complete. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection 3/2/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. This morning I was in the consular’s office signing up for dual enrollment so I couldn’t make it to first block.Then in second period we worked on a graph and had to plot lots of points on a world map in which I did not finish and is due tomorrow. Then in third period we took new sets of notes and answered questions to understand what it is we learned. Finally in fourth period we answered questions about the book we read yesterday. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾 

Reflection 3/1/22

 Hello fellow peers today I had a great day. Today in first period I took notes, watched a video, and answered questions. Then in second period I took a unit 3 test, in which I think I did okay on. In third period we started a new lesson on random samples and took a lot of math notes. Finally in fourth period we read a book in which the main character was going insane. She was trapped in a room and on the wall paper was different images that appeared to be in her mind. After that we watched the movie clip on the parts of the book we read. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏾.