
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflection 9/30/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a good day. Today was throwback Thursday and I participated a lot. I dressed up and I danced to many songs. In 1st and 3rd period I took a test and I feel like I didn’t do to well because I have bad memory and didn’t remember much on my tests. In 2nd period we made a digital car on the computer. Finally, in 4th period we continued on our group project. This is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 9/29/21

 Hello fellow peers today was a cool day. Today I seen lots of fake celebrities for celebrity day today. The fake celebrity of Omarion was so funny. The girl did a dance mimicking him and it was so hilarious. All my classes today were pretty boring except 4th block because we did group work. In 4th block we are doing a project step by step. Today Mr.Rease gave my group and I a topic and we had to find subtopics and details. After school I rode the bus home and took a long nap. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 9/28/21

 Hello fellow peers today was descent. Today, first and second block was so boring. In first block all we did was take notes. In second period we did something with shapes on the computer and it was very complicated. In third period we went over a lot of math for a test we have tomorrow. In fourth period we talked about analyzing and what it meant. The proper definition of analyze means to break apart. In class we analyzed an image. This is my reflection of today, ttyl. 

Reflection: 9/27/21

 Hello fellow peers, today was a descent day. Today was multiplicity day and me and a few friends had matching rugrats shirts. First period was soo boring. We watched a video, took notes, and did an assignment. We literally do the same thing in first block every single day to the point where its annoying and I can tell that the teacher puts no effort into the lesson at all. A kahoot won't hurt lol. In second period we learned some technical things behind shapes on the computer. In third period we had a fun SEL to start the class off. A SEL is basically like a self explainable lesson we do before class starts and today we had to pick a song that describes us. Everyone had good songs and we all had a mini class karaoke session because the songs were so fun to sing. After that we did a test review and went over our unit test. Finally, in fourth period we did this source review thing basically where we have to use the sources given to develop a position in an essay. This is my reflecti

Reflection 9/24/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a descent day. Today was a muggy and unenergized Friday. In Mr.Rease class we went over the AP exam scoring. Now I know what I need to strive for to be successful on the exam. We then looked at a few of some students essay and we determined if it had appropriate evidence or not. After that we got let out early because of the Saints football game. This is my reflection for today, ttyl and good luck Saints! 

Reflection 9/23/21

 Hello fellow peers, today was descent. In first period we took notes and watched videos. This class is very repetitive and boring. In second period, we learned about different types of lines for example, phantom lines and center lines. Then in third period we worked in groups and did math equations. Finally in fourth we read two poems. We analysed the poems, found two claims for each poem, and we found two themes for each poem. Then after a while some students left early so we wrapped up today's lesson early and finished off by watching two movie trailers about Emily Dickinson. This is my reflection for today, ttyl.

Reflection 9/22/21

 Hello fellow peers, today was okay. In Mr. Rease class we did a warmup and we read a poem. We analyzed a poem called “I felt a funeral in my brain”. The poem was about a young woman mourning and feeling down. She would lower her standards until she came to a point of realization. So yea guys this is what I did today in class, ✌🏽 .

Reflection 9/21/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a good day. First period was very boring we took notes, watched videos, and took notes on the videos that we watched. In second period I didn’t really do anything because I completed all my work and the teacher was inputting grades. Then in 3rd period we made a booklet consisting on “sin, cosine, and tangent”, trigonometric functions. Finally in 4th period we wrote an essay. Boy boy boy, I hope I at least got a passing grade. I didn’t finish one and a half of a paragraph but it was descent. The hardest parts for me was trying to understand the prompt, finding evidence, and the time period we had. I feel like we should at least get 50 minutes to write a well written essay. I felt under pressure being on a timer which cause me to run out of thoughts for my essay. Anyways, yea this is my reflection for today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 9/20/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. In first period I took notes, and I ate a Chick Fil A biscuit for breakfast. In second period I did some engineering work on the computer and we discussed the process of engineering. Then, in third period I had a math assignment and it was pretty hard because I had to insert photos of graphs that I put together by using math equations. Finally, in 4th period we analyzed two poems. The first poems’ theme was “being a nobody is better than being a somebody.” Being a nobody is different and being a somebody is being normal. The second poem was about a heart being personified as someone and the speaker trying to cope with a break up. Distractions and self care are good ways to get your mind off of breakups. So yea guys this is my reflection of today, ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 9/17/20

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. It’s Friday woot woot. Today in Mr. Rease class I took a test. The test was simple because it was poems that we went over as a class. However I do hope that I got a good grade. We had a sub and we did good as a class so hopefully you get a good remark. After that I rode the bus home and went to the grocery store. This is my reflection for today ttyl. 

Reflection 9/16/21

 Hello guys, today I had a descent day like usual. In first period I went over my binder check that I turned in a few days ago. Then, in second period I drove my robot and I made my initials  ''S.S.D'' with a marker that was connected to my robot. In math class, my group and I did a presentation on a trigonometric problem that we had to work out. Finally in my last class, we went over two of my classmates essays to show the class the correct and incorrect way on how to write an argumentative essay.We also wrote the steps to success which is the format of a efficient essay. Lastly, we had to write a thesis statement to a short prompt. I'm very glad that we are practicing how to write the components of a essay because it is very helpful. The duration of the class I was VERY tired and I had a bad headache, but I still managed to get through the day. After school, I rode the bus home, made a hot pocket, and completed the last bit of my homework. This is my reflection of

Reflection 9/15/21

 Hello fellow peers today was a descent day. In first period I did some more work on the Declaration of Independence, the same as yesterday's topic. In my second period STEM class I played with my robot and programmed it to make my initials with a marker. Then in third period we finished up a math problem we had to do yesterday. Finally, in fourth period we analyzed another poem. Today's assignment was pretty easy and interesting because we did it as a class and I understood the poem as the teacher broke it down. After school, I rode the bus home and did my homework. This is my reflection of today, ttyl.

Reflection 9/14/21

Hello fellow peers today I had a pretty good day. In first period we watched a video and had to do an assignment  on the Declaration of Independence. In second period I took a post test while the other lower class men took their MAP test. Third period was still pretty stressful like yesterday. We learned some more trigonometric triangle equations and the law of cosine. To add, my group had a math problem and just know that it was hard because we worked on that problem for a cool minute and still didn’t finish😭. Finally, 4th period was pretty simple. We analyzed a poem and we found themes, claims, and a  summary. The good part about it was that we actually had a descent class discussion on certain topics of the poem. To conclude up majority of my day, I rode the bus home and now I’m chillin. This is my reflection of today ttyl ✌🏽.

Reflection 9/13/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a good day. My day was draining but some how I managed to get through it. In first period we did the norm of taking notes and watching a video, then in second period we programmed a robot. We've been working on a robot for weeks and today we had to connect a marker and program it to make a circle and a square. In third period is where the overwhelming of learning went down!!! We learned the law of sines and its like the math just kept going and going. My head was about to explode and tutorial was calling me by my government name. Lastly, 4th period actually wasn't bad. I was praying we didn't have to write an essay or take notes. Instead, we analyzed a very interesting poem about a boy not having a care-free child hood and ends up dying by getting his hand cut off by a saw. After this long day I rode the bus and went home. This is my reflection of today guys, ttyl.

Reflection 9/10/21

 Hello, fellow peers today I had a descent day. I got lots of compliments on my hair and outfit. In Mr.Rease’s class I did have to finish a benchmark.Today did go by quickly, but when I’m actually in my classes they tend to feel like I’m in them forever. But for the most part I enjoyed my day. Enjoy your weekend ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection 9/9/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in class we took a benchmark test. I did not finish and I still have a lot to complete tomorrow. Hopefully I can finish it all tomorrow and get the proper rest tonight. I was absent yesterday and I left class early today for an appointment so that also did hinder me from completing my test. Lunch was pretty okay today from the pizza I brought to eat. But this is basically my reflection for today, ttyl.

Reflection 9/8/21

 Hello guys, today was pretty good. It was stress-free and I was absent today. I hope you guys had a great day. I will see you guys tomorrow ✌🏽.

Reflection 9/7/21

 Hello fellow peers today I had an okay day. Today in class we had to write a thesis statement and a body paragraph. I understood the assignment but its just I need to manage my time wisely, find enough evidence for my essay, and avoiding the use of pronouns. I think I need a little more practice before I can write the actual essay next week. We have a benchmark test tomorrow and I hope I can comprehend everything and manage my time wisely. I had a really bad headache today and I honestly feel like school is too long. When I get to Mr. Rease's class I feel like taking a 20 minute nap or break just to rejuvenate from all I just learned from my previous class periods. Anyways, I have to get used to it so hopefully this school year goes by quickly and I can pass my SAT exam for this class. Ttyl

Reflection: 9/3/21

 Hello guys it’s Friday, yay!! Today I had a good day. We took a practice test on writing an introduction paragraph and thesis statement. It took me a long time because I was writing in pen and kept messing up also at the same time I was trying to understand the question being asked in the prompt. In addition, it was hard for me to gather evidence because I have no readings of evidence and can’t use the pronoun “I” for an experienced piece of evidence. I’m glad it was practice because I didn’t manage my time wisely and I was confused on the main core of what we was doing. Other than that I had a good day. I have a lot of math hw that’s due Tuesday and I really don’t want to do it because it’s challenging and I want to enjoy my Labor Day weekend, stress-free. But this is my reflection for today, ttyl ✌🏽 

Reflection: 9/2/21

Hello fellow peers today I had a good day. Today in class was very interesting. We had to find a topic that was overrated. The topic I choose was weddings. We then had to make a thesis statement on our overrated topic. Then we learned how to make an introduction paragraph. An introduction paragraph consists of an opener to catch the reader's attention ( quote, defining a term, short story, summary, etc), an introduction of the topic, and your thesis statement. An introduction paragraph is 3-5 sentences. In addition, we learned how to make the body paragraphs. I'm not going to go all in detail but just know I understood today's lesson. My only problem is i'm not on top of my current events so my topic doesn't really have no evidence so i'm going to make it a habit to be on top of current events. But this was how class went. Once class was over I rode the bus home and cleaned my whole entire house. My best friend is coming over tomorrow for labor day weekend so I

Reflection: 9/1/21

 Hello fellow peers, today I had a good day. Today is the first day of a new month woot woot! Today in class I learned about thesis statements and its components. The components of a thesis statement is your claim and 3 points. We did examples of thesis statements to get better a better understanding. A topic we did was ''  Should CGHS close down for 2 weeks to get a handle on the covid situation?  ''. We as a class then found a thesis statement. Then we made drew an umbrella and filled it with facts of benefits of playing a sport. Overall I understood today's lesson. This is my reflection of today ttyl.